Multi-Tissue eQTL code, part 3/4

Estimate the model parameters

At this stage we need 2 files created at earlier stages:

z-score.matrix.Rdata R data file with the big matrix of z-scores
df.txt text file with tissue names and the number of
degrees of freedom for each tissue

The code below estimates the model parameters and records the whole sequence of intermediate estimates in the variable paralist and save it in the 1 file:

paralist.Rdata R data file with the sequence of parameter estimates from EM algorithm

The code:

### Set estimation parameters
maxIterations = 100;

### Load big matrix of z-scores

### Initialize parameters
  param = list();
  ### K - the number of tissues
  K = ncol(big.matrix);
  ### Delta - null covariance matrix across tissues
  param$Delta = matrix(0.05, K, K);
  diag(param$Delta) = 1;

  ### Sigma - signal covariance matrix across tissues
  param$Sigma = matrix(3, K, K) + diag(K);
  ### P - the vector of probabilities
  param$P = rep(1/2^K, 2^K);
  ### Psubs - the vector of active eQTLs
  ###         for each element of P
  Psubs = vector('list',2^K);
  for( i in 1:2^K) {
    Psubs[[i]] = as.double(((i-1) %% b)>=a);
  param$Psubs = Psubs;

  ### loglik - the initial likelihood
  param$loglik = -Inf;

### The function does a single iteration of the estimation procedure
DoIteration = function(big.matrix, param) {
  ### extract current model parameters
  K = ncol(big.matrix);
  m = nrow(big.matrix);
  Delta = param$Delta;
  Sigma = param$Sigma;
  P = param$P;
  Psubs = param$Psubs;

  ### The function for matrix power
  mat.power = function(mat,pow) {
    e = eigen(mat);
    V = e$vectors;
    return( V %*% diag(e$values^pow) %*% t(V) );
  ### Start the timer
  tic = proc.time();
  ### variables to accumulate
  ### loglik - likelihood
  ### newP - marginal probabilities
  ### newDelta - the new Delta matrix
  ### newSigmaPlusDelta - Delta+Sigma
  cum.loglik = 0;
  cum.newP = 0;
  cum.newDelta = 0;
  cum.newSigmaPlusDelta = 0;
  ### Do calculations in slices of 10000 gene-SNP pairs
  step1 = 1e5L;
  for( j in 1:ceiling(m/step1)) {
    fr = step1*(j-1)+1;
    to = min(step1*j,m);
    X = big.matrix[fr:to, , drop=FALSE];
    ### likelihood for the slice
    prob = matrix(0, nrow(X), length(P));
    for( i in 1:length(Psubs)) {
      sigma_star = Delta + Sigma * tcrossprod(Psubs[[i]]);
      sigma_hfiv = mat.power(sigma_star,-0.5);
      sigma_dethfiv = (det(sigma_star))^(-0.5);
      w = (1/(2*pi)^(K/2)) * (P[i]*sigma_dethfiv);
      prob[,i] = exp(log(w) - colSums(tcrossprod(sigma_hfiv/sqrt(2),X)^2) ) ;
    cum.loglik = cum.loglik + sum(log(rowSums(prob)));
    ### Normalize probabilities for each gene-SNP pair
    ### to add up to 1
    prob = prob / rowSums(prob);
    ### new vector of P - tissue specificity probabilities
    cum.newP = cum.newP + colSums(prob);
    cum.newDelta = cum.newDelta +
    cum.newSigmaPlusDelta = cum.newSigmaPlusDelta +
    ### Calculate Delta from the cumulative sum
    Delta = cum.newDelta / cum.newP[1];
    ### normalize to force the diagonal to 1
    Delta = Delta * tcrossprod(sqrt(1 / diag(Delta)));
    ### Same with Sigma
    Sigma = cum.newSigmaPlusDelta / tail(cum.newP,1) - Delta;
    e = eigen(Sigma);
    if( any(e$values<0) ) {
      Sigma = e$vectors %*% diag(pmax(e$values,0)) %*% t(e$vectors);
  P = cum.newP / sum(cum.newP);
  toc = proc.time();
  return(list(Delta = Delta, Sigma = Sigma, P = P,
              Psubs = Psubs, loglik = cum.loglik, time = toc-tic));

### The 'paralist' list vector
### will store model estimates at each iteration
paralist = vector('list',maxIterations+1);
paralist[[1]] = param;

### Perform up to 'maxIterations' iteration
for( i in 2:length(paralist) ) {
  paralist[[i]] = DoIteration(big.matrix=big.matrix, param=paralist[[i-1]]);
  cat(i, '\t', paralist[[i]]$loglik-paralist[[i-1]]$loglik,
         '\t', paralist[[i]]$time[3],'\n');
    if(paralist[[i]]$loglik < paralist[[i-1]]$loglik)
paralist = paralist[!sapply(paralist, is.null)];

### Save the results
save(list='paralist', file='paralist.Rdata');

→ Next step: Call eQTLs.

Back to MT-eQTL page.

By Andrey Shabalin