/******************************************************************* PROGRAM 16.1 Estimating the average causal effect using the standard IV estimator via the calculation of sample averages Data from NHEFS ********************************************************************/; libname causinf "V:\otago"; * ods html close; * use this option for output as text rather than html; /* some preprocessing of the data */ data nhefs; set causinf.nhefs; cens= (wt82 eq .); run; proc univariate; var price82; run; data nhefs_iv; set nhefs; * for simplicity, ignore subjects with missing outcome or missing instrument; where wt82 ne . and price82 ne .; highprice =(price82 ge 1.5); run; proc freq; table highprice * qsmk; run; proc ttest plots= none; class highprice; var wt82_71; run; /******************************************************************* PROGRAM 16.2 Estimating the average causal effect using the standard IV estimator via two-stage-least-squares regression Data from NHEFS ********************************************************************/; proc syslin data= nhefs_iv 2sls first; endogenous qsmk; /* treatment variable */ instruments highprice; model wt82_71= qsmk; /* qsmk is actually replaced by its predicted value*/ run; /***************************************************************** PROGRAM 16.3 Estimating the average causal effect using the standard IV estimator via an additive marginal structural model Data from NHEFS ******************************************************************/; /*********************************************************/ /* G-estimation: Checking one possible value of psi */ /* See Chapter 14 for program that checks several values */ /* and computes 95% confidence intervals */ /*********************************************************/ data nhefs_ivgest; set nhefs_iv; psi= 2.396; Hpsi= wt82_71-psi*qsmk; run; proc genmod data= nhefs_ivgest descending; ods exclude ClassLevels ParmInfo ModelInfo; class seqn exercise active education; model highprice = /* covariates can be added here */ /* sex race age age*age education smokeintensity smokeintensity*smokeintensity smokeyrs smokeyrs*smokeyrs exercise active wt71 wt71*wt71 */ Hpsi/ dist= bin link= logit; repeated subject=seqn / type=ind; run; quit; /******************************************************************* PROGRAM 16.4 Estimating the average causal effect using the standard IV estimator based on alternative proposed instruments Data from NHEFS ********************************************************************/; data nhefs_iv; set nhefs; where wt82 ne . and price82 ne .; highprice =(price82 ge 1.6); run; proc syslin data= nhefs_iv 2sls first; endogenous qsmk; instruments highprice; model wt82_71= qsmk; run; data nhefs_iv; set nhefs; where wt82 ne . and price82 ne .; highprice =(price82 ge 1.7); run; proc syslin data= nhefs_iv 2sls first; endogenous qsmk; instruments highprice; model wt82_71= qsmk; run; data nhefs_iv; set nhefs; where wt82 ne . and price82 ne .; highprice =(price82 ge 1.8); run; proc syslin data= nhefs_iv 2sls first; endogenous qsmk; instruments highprice; model wt82_71= qsmk; run; data nhefs_iv; set nhefs; where wt82 ne . and price82 ne .; highprice =(price82 ge 1.9); run; proc syslin data= nhefs_iv 2sls first; endogenous qsmk; instruments highprice; model wt82_71= qsmk; run; /******************************************************************* PROGRAM 16.5 Estimating the average causal effect using the standard IV estimator conditional on baseline covariates Data from NHEFS ********************************************************************/; data nhefs_iv; set nhefs; where wt82 ne . and price82 ne .; highprice =(price82 ge 1.5); * indicators for categorical variables (value 0 is reference); exercise1=0; exercise2=0; active1=0; active2=0; if exercise=1 then exercise1=1; else if exercise=2 then exercise2=1; if active=1 then active1=1; else if active=2 then active2=1; run; proc syslin data= nhefs_iv 2sls first; endogenous qsmk; instruments highprice sex race age smokeintensity smokeyrs exercise1 exercise2 active1 active2 wt71; /* proposed instrument plus baseline covariates */ model wt82_71= qsmk sex race age smokeintensity smokeyrs exercise1 exercise2 active1 active2 wt71; run;