/*************************************************************** PROGRAM 12.1 Descriptive statistics from NHEFS data ***************************************************************/; libname causinf "V:\otago"; /* some preprocessing of the data */ data nhefs; set causinf.nhefs; match=1; cens= (wt82 eq .); run; data nhefs_nmv; set nhefs; if wt82 ne .; * provisionally ignore subjects with missing values for weight in 1982; run; proc genmod data= nhefs_nmv; model wt82_71= qsmk; estimate 'Smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 1; estimate 'No smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 0; run; quit; /* Table */ proc means data= nhefs_nmv; class qsmk; var age wt71 smokeintensity smokeyrs; run; proc freq data= nhefs_nmv; table qsmk*(sex race education exercise active) / nopercent nocol; run; /*************************************************************** PROGRAM 12.2 Estimating IP weights Data from NHEFS ***************************************************************/; /* estimation of ip weights via a logistic model */ proc logistic data= nhefs_nmv descending; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests; class exercise active education; model qsmk = sex race age age*age education smokeintensity smokeintensity*smokeintensity smokeyrs smokeyrs*smokeyrs exercise active wt71 wt71*wt71; output out=est_prob p=p_qsmk; run; data nhefs_w; set est_prob; if qsmk=1 then w= 1/p_qsmk; else if qsmk=0 then w= 1/(1-p_qsmk); run; proc univariate data=nhefs_w; id seqn; var w; run; proc genmod data= nhefs_w; class seqn; weight w; model wt82_71= qsmk; estimate 'Smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 1; estimate 'No smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 0; repeated subject=seqn / type=ind; run; quit; /* no association between sex and qsmk in pseudo-population*/ proc freq data=nhefs_w; weight w; table sex*qsmk; run; /* "check" for positivity */ title 'White women'; proc freq data=nhefs_nmv; where sex=1 and race=0; table age*qsmk; run; title; /*************************************************************** PROGRAM 12.3 Estimating stabilized IP weights Data from NHEFS ***************************************************************/; /* estimation of denominator of ip weights */ proc logistic data=nhefs_nmv descending; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests; class exercise active education; model qsmk = sex race age age*age education smokeintensity smokeintensity*smokeintensity smokeyrs smokeyrs*smokeyrs exercise active wt71 wt71*wt71; output out=est_prob_d p=pd_qsmk; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; /* estimation of numerator of ip weights */ proc logistic data=nhefs_nmv descending; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests Oddsratios; model qsmk = ; output out=est_prob_n (keep= seqn pn_qsmk) p=pn_qsmk; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; data nhefs_sw; merge est_prob_d est_prob_n ; by seqn; if qsmk=1 then sw_a= pn_qsmk / pd_qsmk; else if qsmk=0 then sw_a= (1-pn_qsmk) / (1-pd_qsmk); run; proc univariate data=nhefs_sw; var sw_a; id seqn; run; proc genmod data= nhefs_sw; class seqn; weight sw_a; model wt82_71= qsmk; estimate 'Smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 1; estimate 'No smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 0; repeated subject=seqn / type=ind; run; quit; /* no association between sex and qsmk in pseudo-population*/ proc freq data=nhefs_sw; weight sw_a; table sex*qsmk; run; /*************************************************************** PROGRAM 12.4 Estimating the parameters of a marginal structural mean model with a continuous treatment Data from NHEFS ***************************************************************/; * Analysis restricted to subjects reporting <=25 cig/day at baseline; data nhefs_nmv_s; set nhefs_nmv; if smokeintensity le 25; run; /* estimation of denominator of ip weights */ proc glm data= nhefs_nmv_s outstat= ss_den(keep= _source_ _type_ df ss where=(_source_ in('ERROR') and _type_ in('ERROR')));; class exercise active education; model smkintensity82_71 = sex race age age*age education smokeintensity smokeintensity*smokeintensity smokeyrs smokeyrs*smokeyrs exercise active wt71 wt71*wt71 / solution; output out= temp_den p= pred; run; data sd_den; set ss_den; rootmse_n= sqrt(ss/df); match= 1; keep rootmse_n match; proc print; run; data est_dens_d; merge temp_den sd_den; by match; dens_den = pdf('NORMAL', smkintensity82_71, pred, rootmse_n); proc sort; by seqn; run; /* estimation of numerator of ip weights */ proc glm data= nhefs_nmv_s outstat= ss_num(keep= _source_ _type_ df ss where=(_source_ in('ERROR') and _type_ in('ERROR')));; model smkintensity82_71 = / solution; output out= temp_num p= pred; run; data sd_num; set ss_num; rootmse_n= sqrt(ss/df); match= 1; keep rootmse_n match; proc print; run; data est_dens_n; merge temp_num sd_num; by match; dens_num = pdf('NORMAL', smkintensity82_71, pred, rootmse_n); proc sort; by seqn; run; data nhefs_sw_cont; merge est_dens_d est_dens_n ; by seqn; sw_a= dens_num / dens_den; run; proc univariate data=nhefs_sw_cont; var sw_a; id seqn; run; proc genmod data= nhefs_sw_cont; class seqn; weight sw_a; model wt82_71= smkintensity82_71 smkintensity82_71*smkintensity82_71; estimate 'No change' intercept 1 smkintensity82_71 0 smkintensity82_71*smkintensity82_71 0; estimate 'Increase smoking by 20 cig/day' intercept 1 smkintensity82_71 20 smkintensity82_71*smkintensity82_71 400; repeated subject=seqn / type=ind; run; quit; /*************************************************************** PROGRAM 12.5 Estimating the parameters of a marginal structural logistic model Data from NHEFS ***************************************************************/; proc freq data= nhefs_nmv; table qsmk*death; run; * First, estimation of stabilized weights sw_a (same as in PROGRAM 12.3); * Second, fit logistic model below; proc genmod data= nhefs_sw descending; class seqn; weight sw_a; model death = qsmk / link=logit dist=bin; estimate 'Log OR' qsmk 1 /exp; repeated subject=seqn / type=ind; run; quit; /*************************************************************** PROGRAM 12.6 Assessing effect modification by sex using a marginal structural mean model Data from NHEFS ***************************************************************/; proc freq data= nhefs_nmv; table sex; run; /* estimation of denominator of ip weights */ proc logistic data=nhefs_nmv descending; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests; class exercise active education; model qsmk = sex race age age*age education smokeintensity smokeintensity*smokeintensity smokeyrs smokeyrs*smokeyrs exercise active wt71 wt71*wt71; output out=est_prob_d p=pd_qsmk; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; /* estimation of numerator of ip weights */ proc logistic data=nhefs_nmv descending; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests Oddsratios; model qsmk = sex; output out=est_prob_n (keep= seqn pn_qsmk) p=pn_qsmk; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; data nhefs_sw; merge est_prob_d est_prob_n ; by seqn; if qsmk=1 then sw_a= pn_qsmk / pd_qsmk; else if qsmk=0 then sw_a= (1-pn_qsmk) / (1-pd_qsmk); run; proc univariate data=nhefs_sw; var sw_a; id seqn; run; proc genmod data= nhefs_sw; class seqn sex; weight sw_a; model wt82_71= qsmk sex qsmk*sex; repeated subject=seqn / type=ind; run; quit; /*************************************************************** PROGRAM 12.7 Estimating IP weights to adjust for selection bias due to censoring Data from NHEFS ***************************************************************/; proc freq data=nhefs; table qsmk*cens; run; proc means data= nhefs; class cens; var wt71; run; /* estimation of denominator of ip weights for A */ proc logistic data=nhefs descending; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests; class exercise active education; model qsmk = sex race age age*age education smokeintensity smokeintensity*smokeintensity smokeyrs smokeyrs*smokeyrs exercise active wt71 wt71*wt71; output out=est_prob_d_a p=pd_qsmk; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; /* estimation of numerator of ip weights for A */ proc logistic data=nhefs descending; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests Oddsratios; model qsmk = ; output out=est_prob_n_a (keep= seqn pn_qsmk) p=pn_qsmk; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; /* estimation of denominator of ip weights for C */ proc logistic data=nhefs; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests; class exercise active education; model cens = qsmk sex race age age*age education smokeintensity smokeintensity*smokeintensity smokeyrs smokeyrs*smokeyrs exercise active wt71 wt71*wt71; output out=est_prob_d_c (keep= seqn pd_cens) p=pd_cens; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; /* estimation of numerator of ip weights for C */ proc logistic data=nhefs; ods exclude ClassLevelInfo ModelAnova Association FitStatistics GlobalTests Oddsratios; model cens = qsmk; output out=est_prob_n_c (keep= seqn pn_cens) p=pn_cens; run; proc sort; by seqn; run; data nhefs_sw; merge est_prob_d_a est_prob_n_a est_prob_d_c est_prob_n_c; by seqn; if cens=0; * observations with cens=1 only contribute to censoring models; if qsmk=1 then sw_a= pn_qsmk / pd_qsmk; else if qsmk=0 then sw_a= (1-pn_qsmk) / (1-pd_qsmk); sw_c= pn_cens / pd_cens; sw= sw_a * sw_c; run; proc univariate data=nhefs_sw; var sw_a sw_c sw; id seqn; run; proc genmod data= nhefs_sw; class seqn; weight sw; model wt82_71= qsmk; estimate 'Smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 1; estimate 'No smoking cessation' intercept 1 qsmk 0; repeated subject=seqn / type=ind; run; quit;