# Adapted from programs found here https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/miguel-hernan/causal-inference-book/ ################################################################ # PROGRAM 13.1 # Estimating the mean outcome within levels of treatment # and confounders: Data from NHEFS ################################################################ # rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) nhefs <- read.csv("V:\\clapem\\nhefs.csv") nhefs <- as.data.frame(nhefs) dim(nhefs) # some preprocessing of the data nhefs$cens <- as.numeric(is.na(nhefs$wt82)) nhefs$older <- as.numeric(nhefs$age > 50 & !is.na(nhefs$age)) # install.packages("car") library(car) nhefs$education.code <- recode(nhefs$school, " 0:8 = 1; 9:11 = 2; 12 = 3; 13:15 = 4; 16:hi = 5; NA = 6 ") nhefs$education <- recode(nhefs$education.code, " 1 = '1. 8th grade or less'; 2 = '2. HS dropout'; 3 = '3. HS'; 4 = '4. College dropout'; 5 = '5. College or more'; 6 = 'Unknown' ") # Analysis restricted to N=1566 # with non-missing values in the following covariates nhefs.original <- nhefs # Original data saved for later use nhefs$id <- 1:nrow(nhefs) nhefs2 <- nhefs[c("id", "qsmk", "sex", "race", "age", "school", "smokeintensity", "smokeyrs", "exercise", "active", "wt71", "wt82")] dim(nhefs2) # restricting data for non-missing nhefs2 <- as.data.frame(na.omit(nhefs2)) dim(nhefs2) nhefs.id.matched <- subset(nhefs, id %in% nhefs2$id) dim(nhefs) # restricting data for uncensored, for comparison with observed outcome nhefs0 <- subset(nhefs.id.matched, cens == 0) dim(nhefs0) table(nhefs0$qsmk) # untreated vs treated # Estimates glm.obj <- glm(wt82_71~ as.factor(qsmk) + as.factor(sex) + as.factor(race) + age + I(age^2) + as.factor(education) + smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity^2) + smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs^2) + as.factor(exercise) + as.factor(active) + wt71 + I(wt71^2) + I(qsmk*smokeintensity), data = nhefs0) summary(glm.obj) nhefs0$meanY <- predict(glm.obj, type = "response") # print variable values corresponding to subject with unique identifier 24770 nhefs0[nhefs0$seqn ==24770,c("meanY", "qsmk", "sex", "race", "age", "education", "smokeintensity", "smokeyrs", "exercise", "active", "wt71")] summary(nhefs0$meanY) summary(nhefs0$wt82_71) ################################################################ # PROGRAM 13.3 # Standardizing the mean outcome to the baseline confounders: # Data from NHEFS ################################################################ # 1st copy: equal to original one names(nhefs) nhefs0$interv <- rep(-1, nrow(nhefs0)) # nhefs0$qsmk # nhefs0$wt82_71 dim(nhefs0) # 2nd copy: treatment set to 0, outcome to missing nhefs.untr <- nhefs0 nhefs.untr$interv <- rep(0, nrow(nhefs.untr)) nhefs.untr$qsmk <- rep(0, nrow(nhefs.untr)) nhefs.untr$wt82_71 <- rep(NA, nrow(nhefs.untr)) dim(nhefs.untr) # 3rd copy: treatment set to 1, outcome to missing nhefs.tr <- nhefs0 nhefs.tr$interv <- rep(1, nrow(nhefs.tr)) nhefs.tr$qsmk <- rep(1, nrow(nhefs.tr)) nhefs.tr$wt82_71 <- rep(NA, nrow(nhefs.tr)) dim(nhefs.tr) # create a dataset with 3 copies of each subject onesample <- as.data.frame(rbind(nhefs0, nhefs.untr, nhefs.tr)) #onesample$qsmk dim(onesample) # Estimates # linear model to estimate mean outcome conditional on treatment & confounders, # parameters are estimated using original observations only (interv= -1), # parameter estimates are used to predict mean outcome for observations # with treatment set to 0 (interv=0) and to 1 (innterv=1); glm.obj <- glm(wt82_71~ as.factor(qsmk) + as.factor(sex) + as.factor(race) + age + I(age^2) + as.factor(education) + smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity^2) + smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs^2) + as.factor(exercise) + as.factor(active) + wt71 + I(wt71^2), data = onesample) summary(glm.obj) #onesample$meanY <- c(predict(glm.obj, nhefs0, type = "response"), # predict(glm.obj, nhefs.untr, type = "response"), # predict(glm.obj, nhefs.tr, type = "response")) onesample$meanY <- predict(glm.obj, onesample, type = "response") # estimate mean outcome in each of the groups interv=0, and interv=1; # this mean outcome is a weighted average of the mean outcomes # in each combination of values of treatment and confounders, # that is, the standardized outcome; #index <- sort(unique(onesample$interv)) #ia <- mean(onesample$meanY[onesample$interv == index[1]]) #ib <- mean(onesample$meanY[onesample$interv == index[2]]) #ic <- mean(onesample$meanY[onesample$interv == index[3]]) #predicted.values <- c(ia, ib, ic) #cbind(index, predicted.values) with(onesample, tapply(meanY, list(interv), mean)) ################################################################ # PROGRAM 13.4 # Computing the 95% confidence interval of the standardized means # and their difference: Data from NHEFS ################################################################ # install.packages("boot") require(boot) # Compute basic bootstrap confidence interval. # Below is the function to estimate mean outcome in each of the groups # interv=-1, interv=0 & interv=1 conditional on treatment and confounders, # also include the mean outcome of interv = 1 vs. interv = 0 boot.fun <- function(dat, index, type){ sampled.data <- dat[index,] fit <- glm(formula = wt82_71~ as.factor(qsmk) + as.factor(sex) + as.factor(race) + age + I(age^2) + as.factor(education) + smokeintensity + I(smokeintensity^2) + smokeyrs + I(smokeyrs^2) + as.factor(exercise) + as.factor(active) + wt71 + I(wt71^2), data = sampled.data) sampled.data$meanY <- predict(fit, sampled.data, type = "response") std.mean <- with(sampled.data, tapply(meanY, list(interv), mean)) mean.list <- as.numeric(unlist(c(std.mean, diff(std.mean[c(2,3)])))) return(mean.list) } # Parametric g-formula: Bootstrap results using nboot samples nboot <- 100 # number of bootstrap samples to run # creation of bootstarp samples using fixed seed to reproduce results set.seed(1232) bootres <- boot(onesample, boot.fun, R = nboot) bootres nrow(bootres$t) boot.stat <- matrix(NA, 4, 4) for (i in 1:4){ boot.stat[i,] <- c(bootres$t0[i], sd(bootres$t[,i]), bootres$t0[i] - 1.96 * sd(bootres$t[,i]), bootres$t0[i] + 1.96 * sd(bootres$t[,i])) } dimnames(boot.stat) <- list(c("observed", "No treatment", "Treatment", "Difference"), c("mean", "sd", "LCL", "UCL")) boot.stat